Ioanna Dimitrakaki


The education targeting the promotion of the business spirit of the young constitutes a sector of education which has expanded importantly over the last years. The development of entrepreneurship education in Europe and other countries is largely due to the recognition of the positive relation between entrepreneurship and economic development and its contribution to tackling the problem of unemployment. On the one hand, the young looking for work now, and those already working have to face a constantly evolving economic and working environment that requires from them new qualifications and abilities that will help in the establishment of a business and the implementation of new innovative ideas. On the other hand, the problem of unemployment constitutes one of the most important problems of the current times. The specific article refers in the role of education of the young towards the direction of the support of entrepreneurship targeting the economic development and fighting off the problem of unemployment as better trained individuals increase the possibilities to start a new business.

Key words

entrepreneurship; education; educational programs.

JEL Codes: L26


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