COVER EM HOMEEconomics & Management is a double-blind referred academic journal issued by the Faculty of Economics, SWU Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad. It is intended to extend the scientific knowledge in the fields of Economics and Scientific Management. The journal focuses on empirically oriented research papers but does not exclude high-quality review articles, methodological and theoretical contributions from all fields of contemporary economics. The journal acclaims papers on wide ranges of countries or business organizations, as well as topics relevant outside a single country.

The issuance of Economics and Management started in 2005. Initially, it was considered as a school magazine but got national polpulatity soon after its first issues. It's founders are Prof. Raya Madgerova, PhD, Prof. Nadezhda Nikolova, PhD and Prof. Chavdar Nikolov, PhD.

The journal has been developed as a national and even cross-border scientific forum. Firts few issues consisted of articles written by both domestic and foreing authors. The articles in Bulgarian were dominating. Many economists form neighbour countries have written in English. There are famous economists from Germany, Russia, and Moldova whose articles were published in their native languages. Now, the language in which the article are being considered for publications is restricted only in English.

Economics and Management was following a policy to publish four issues a year for the first decade of the journal issuance. Now, the issues published are two per annum. All these changes in the policy are caused by the wish of the editorial board to improve the quality of the published articles. 

Economics and Management follows a line to get significance of regional journal for South-Eastern European. All the efforts of the editorial board are directed to this goal. Thus, the journal invites authors from this region to submit their works.

The journal is distributed through international book exchange of the People’s Library “St. Cyril and Methodi” and thus it reaches to the next institutions: Slavonic and East European Section – Oxford, England; Library of Congress – Washington, USA; The New York Public Library – New York, USA; United Nations – New York, USA;Square de Meeus – Brussels, Belgium; Российская государственная библиотека – Международный книгообмен – Москва, Россия; Институт научной информации по общественным наукам Академии наук РФ– Москва, Россия.

From its first issue to now Economics and Management follows an open access policy.


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