
This research is an attempt to determine the possibilities of the tour operators – in their role initiators of offering a product connected with the rural tourism – for providing and increasing the satisfaction of the consumers.
Of worldwide fame, according to data from WTO, for tourism traveling for rural tourism are spent 10 % from all the expenses made for international travellings. The annual increase of the number of the trips offered by the European tour operators and pointed to rural areas, according to data from Euro Barometer, is about 23 % ( The biggest interest from both the tour operators and the consumers – tourists is observed in France, Spain, Great Britain. For example, in Spain a huge amount of the tourism travellings up the country are connected with visiting rural areas. In USA the market is still developing: according to the National Association of the tour operators 5 % of them offer rural tourism products.
Bulgaria is determined as dynamically developing destination for rural tourism based on the multiple choice of partly explored and absorbed natural and cultural resources with national, regional and international importance. The possibilities for our country to take a leader position in regional and European aspect are great, moreover on the background of the world stagnation in the tourism industry in Bulgaria it rises. Our country is believed to be a little known, secure and stable tourist place situated near West Europe. At the same time its setting as a destination for alternative tourism – in general – eco, cultural, rural – in separate and combinated tourist product, is a condition for sready economic and social development in caring for the environment decisions.


Key words

rural tourism, customer’s satisfaction, special possibilities



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