
The legislator gives the legal definition of the order in the provision of Art. 252 CPC according to which the court provides an order when it decides on issues that do not allow the dispute per se. The solution gives an answer to the application as it is the one the court pronounces on the merits, respectively the unfoundedness of the application. Subject of the order are issues outside the merits of the application, issues that are limited to those regarding the course for implementing the protection of the relevant law, the court’s ruling on the merits of the case. The appeal of orders is a protection remedy against unlawful orders that cannot be controlled on the occasion of appeal of decisions which are the orders in the process of the case. These are the pointed out in Art. 274, Par. 1, items 1 and 2 CPC orders which block the further development of production as well as the orders in cases explicitly stated in the law. The injunction is an act of the court with which the court shall rule on procedure matters but unlike the orders, when fundamentally in the production itself it is proceeded in a collegiate group, this matter is pronounced in one person. These are procedures that are decided solely by the court, occurring in the process of organizing or managing a meeting by the chairperson regarding the maintenance of order in the courtroom. On the other hand, these injunctions can have a preclusive character as well; they can obstruct the course of the case, enclose the path towards justice that determines the interest of checking their legality through appeal. In terms of this act of court – the injunction, there follows feasibility of the display in relation to the court order, since under the injunction of Art. 279 CPC, the provisions of Art. 274 - 278 CPC are also applied accordingly for the private complaints against the orders of the court.


Key words

injunctions, order, suspension, act, trial, appeal



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