
Nonverbal communication is an important communicational channel in PR. Nonverbal communication as exchange of information is preferred in the case of expression of strong fillings and emotions. This is more accessible language when there is difference between the intellectual and educational level of the communicator and the public. Very important meaning there is the language of “pathos” in the political relations when the political subject must come closer to the emotional status of the people in front of who he is speaking. The experts have consensus that from 60% to 80% of interpersonal communication “face to face” is realized through nonverbal communication. This fact contributes to more precise balance in the relations with the public. The major number of investigators shares the opinion that the channel for verbal communication is used mainly for transmission of information while the channel of nonverbal communication is used as a contract for interpersonal behavior and in some cases is used as substitute of verbal messages.


Key words

nonverbal communication, contemporary meaning, political communication



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